Detroit Free Press/USA Today Quotes Drs. David Hay and Clint Soppe: Doctors explain when Detroit Tigers’ Eduardo Rodriguez, Riley Greene could return from injuries

Drs. Hay and Soppe asked about the Tigers’ star players’ injuries and likely return to action.   Article Link: When could Detroit Tigers’ Eduardo Rodriguez, Riley Greene return? (; ‘Days of Roar’: What doctors told us about Detroit Tigers’ injuries (   In a span of 24 hours, the Detroit Tigers officially lost their two…

The Denver Post Quotes Dr. Daniel Kharrazi: Long-term effects of Gabriel Landeskog’s knee cartilage transplant are hard to predict due to rarity of surgery among professional athletes, experts say

Dr. Kharrazi opines on Avs’ player future and return to ice after procedure.    Link to Article:  Experts explain what Gabe Landeskog’s knee surgery means for career (   The Post spoke with three doctors with orthopedic expertise to understand what Landeskog’s surgery entails and what it might mean for his future on the ice.…

The Athletic Quotes Dr. Brian Schulz: Gabriel Landeskog undergoes knee cartilage transplant — a surgeon explains what it means

  Dr. Schulz breaks down the type of injury and treatment procedure to Avs’ player   Article Link:  Gabriel Landeskog undergoes knee cartilage transplant — a surgeon explains what it means – The Athletic   During summer training, Landeskog’s knee once again hurt. He first heard about the idea of a cartilage transplant when evaluating…