Medical News Today Quotes Dr. Ilan Danan: Sugars affect brain plasticity, impacting learning and memory

Article Links: How sugars can affect learning and memory in the brain (   Scientists are looking at sugar molecules in the brain and how they could impact learning and memory, according to research presented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2023 meeting. Scientists completed their study on mice and hope they can use this knowledge to…

Verywell Health Quotes Dr. Ilan Danan: New Research Supports Use of Blood Pressure Meds for Migraine

Dr. Danan opines about the possible side effects and risk of taking blood-pressure lowering medications for migraines.   Article Links: Taking Blood Pressure Medication Can Help Prevent Migraines (   Migraines can cause intense throbbing head pain that can affect every part of someone’s life, from work and school to socializing with friends and family.…